Tuoba Yongjing 218万字 270583人读过 连载
Use less than half for the pot throwing ceremony, and use all for the archery ceremony. The archer, the chief judge, and the standing scholar all belong to the guest party; the musicians, the messengers, and the boys all belong to the host party.
Wang Zhonglang promoted Xu Xuandu as the official of the Ministry of Personnel. Xi Chongxi said, "The king is doing good things, so you can't let Ah Shu sit there."
Wang Junchong was the Minister of the Chancellery. He wore his official uniform and rode in a carriage. He passed by Huang Gong's wine shop and said to the passengers in the carriage behind him, "I used to drink with Ji Shuye and Ruan Sizong at this wine shop. We also had a trip to the bamboo forest. Since Ji Shuye died young and Ruan Gong passed away, I have been bound by the times. Although this place seems close today, it seems as far away as mountains and rivers."
Zhang Xuan and Wang Jianwu did not know each other at first, but later they met at Fan Yuzhang's request, and Fan asked them to talk. Zhang Yin was sitting upright with his clothes folded in front of him. Wang Shu looked at him for a long time but could not make any comment. Zhang was greatly disappointed and left. Fan tried to persuade him to stay, but he refused to stay. Fan was Wang's uncle, so he said to Wang: "Zhang Xuan is the most outstanding scholar in Wu. He was also well-known at the time. But he was brought to this point. It is beyond comprehension." Wang laughed and said: "If Zhang Zuxi wants to make his acquaintance, he should come to see him." Fan rushed to inform Zhang, who then packed his belt and went to see him. Then they raised their cups and talked to each other, neither the host nor the guest looked ashamed.
All sounds arise from the human heart. The movement of the human heart is caused by things. It is moved by things, so it is shaped in sound. When sounds respond to each other, they change; when they change into squares, they are called music; when sounds are compared and they are enjoyed, such as with the use of halberds, shields, feathers and pennants, they are called music. Music is the origin of sound; its root lies in the human heart's feeling of things. Therefore, when the heart is moved by sorrow, the sound is sad and killing. When the heart is moved by joy, the sound is biting and slow. When the heart is moved by joy, the sound is spreading and dispersing. When the heart is moved by anger, the sound is rough and harsh. When the heart is moved by respect, the sound is straight and honest. When the heart is moved by love, the sound is harmonious and gentle. The six are not innate, but are moved by things before they are moved. Therefore, the ancient kings were careful about what they were moved by. Therefore, rites were used to guide people's aspirations, music was used to harmonize their sounds, politics was used to unify their actions, and punishments were used to prevent their treachery. Rites, music, punishments and politics have the same ultimate; they are used to unify the hearts of the people and to create the way of governance. All sounds are what give rise to the human heart. Emotions move in the heart, so they are expressed in sounds. When sounds become texts, they are called music. Therefore, the music of a well-governed country is peaceful and joyful, and its politics is harmonious. The music of a chaotic country is resentful and angry, and its politics is perverse. The music of a ruined country is sad and thoughtful, and its people are in distress. The way of music is connected with politics. Gong represents the ruler, Shang represents the ministers, Jiao represents the people, Zheng represents the affairs, and Yu represents things. If the five are not in disorder, there will be no music of humiliation. When Gong is in disorder, there will be desolation, and the ruler will be arrogant. When Shang is in disorder, there will be dystopia, and the officials will be corrupt. When Jiao is in disorder, there will be worry, and the people will be resentful. When Zheng is in disorder, there will be sorrow, and the affairs will be diligent. When Yu is in disorder, there will be danger, and the money will be scarce. When the five are in disorder, and they bully each other, it is called slowness. If this happens, the country will be destroyed soon. The music of Zheng and Wei is the music of a chaotic country, which is comparable to slowness. The music of Sangjian and Pushang is the music of a ruined country, and its politics is scattered, its people are wandering, and they accuse the ruler of selfishness and cannot be stopped. All music is born from the human heart. Music is the communication of ethics. Therefore, those who know sound but not music are animals; those who know music but not music are the common people. Only the gentleman can know music. Therefore, if you examine sound, you can know music; if you examine music, you can know politics, and then the way of governance will be complete. Therefore, those who do not know sound cannot talk about music; those who do not know music cannot talk about music. Knowing music means that you are close to etiquette. If you are good at both etiquette and music, you are called virtuous. Virtue is good. Therefore, the grandeur of music is not to extreme music. The etiquette of feasting is not to taste. The zither in the Qing Temple has red strings and sparse Yue, one song and three sighs, which have lost the sound. The ceremony of the grand feast, the dark wine is preferred and the fish is fishy, the soup is not harmonious, which has lost the taste. Therefore, the ancient kings established etiquette and music not to extreme the desires of the mouth, the ears and the eyes, but to teach the people to balance likes and dislikes and return to the right way of humanity. People are born quiet, which is the nature of heaven; they are moved by things, which is the desire of nature. When things come to know, then likes and dislikes take shape. If likes and dislikes are not controlled within, and knowledge is lured from the outside, and one cannot reflect on oneself, then the principles of nature will be destroyed. Things can affect people endlessly, but people's likes and dislikes are uncontrolled, then when things come, people will become things. People who become things are those who destroy the principles of nature and reduce people's desires. Then there will be rebellious and deceitful hearts, and there will be lewd and rebellious things. Therefore, the strong bully the weak, the majority bully the few, the wise deceive the foolish, the brave suffer and are timid, the sick are not taken care of, and the old and the young are lonely and have no place to go. This is the way to great chaos. Therefore, the ancient kings established rituals and music, and people regulated them; mourning clothes and weeping were used to regulate funerals; bells, drums, and halberds were used to harmonize and make people happy; the wedding and marriage ceremony were used to distinguish between men and women; archery and feasting were used to regulate intercourse. Rituals regulate the hearts of the people, and music harmonizes the voices of the people. Politics implements them, and punishments prevent them. Rituals, music, punishments, and politics are spread everywhere without contradiction, and then the kingly way is complete. Music is the same, and rituals are different. If they are the same, they will love each other; if they are different, they will respect each other. If music prevails, they will flow together; if ritual prevails, they will separate. To match feelings and decorate appearances is the business of ritual and music. When ritual and righteousness are established, the noble and the humble are equal; when music and culture are the same, the upper and the lower are harmonious; when likes and dislikes are clear, the virtuous and the unworthy are distinguished. Punish violence, and give titles to the virtuous, and the government will be balanced. Love them with benevolence, and correct them with righteousness. In this way, the people will be governed. Music comes from within, and ritual comes from without. Music comes from within, so it is quiet; ritual comes from without, so it is elegant. Great music must be simple, and great ritual must be simple. When music comes, there is no resentment; when ritual comes, there is no dispute. To rule the world with courtesy and yielding is what ritual and music are. There will be no violence, the princes will be submissive, there will be no war, the five punishments will not be used, the people will not be in trouble, and the emperor will not be angry. In this way, music will be achieved. The relationship between father and son will be unified, the order of the old and the young will be clear, and the emperor will be respected throughout the world. In this way, ritual will be practiced. Great music is in harmony with heaven and earth, and great ritual is in harmony with heaven and earth. Because of harmony, all things are not lost; because of moderation, heaven and earth are worshipped; in the light, there are rituals and music; in the dark, there are ghosts and gods. In this way, all people in the four seas will respect and love each other. Rituals are different things that make people respect each other; music is different texts that make people love each other. The meaning of rituals and music is the same, so the wise kings follow them. The story is in line with the times, and the name is in line with the merit. Therefore, bells, drums, pipes, and chimes, feather flutes, and halberds are instruments of music. Bending and stretching, bowing and raising, and composing signs and slowing down are the texts of music. 簠簋翎碗, system and articles are instruments of ritual. Rising and falling, turning around and returning, and carrying clothes are the texts of ritual. Therefore, those who know the meaning of rituals and music can create, and those who know the texts of rituals and music can describe. The author is called a sage, and the narrator is called a wise; the wise sage is the one who describes and creates. Music is the harmony of heaven and earth; ritual is the order of heaven and earth. Because of harmony, all things are transformed; because of order, all things are different. Music is created by heaven, and ritual is made by earth. Over-regulation leads to chaos, over-exertion leads to violence. Only when one understands the heaven and earth can one promote rituals and music. Discussing ethics without worry is the emotion of music; being happy and loving is the function of music. Being upright and impartial is the essence of rituals, and being solemn, respectful and obedient is the regulation of rituals. If rituals and music are applied to metal and stone, and go beyond sound, and are used in ancestral temples and altars, and in matters of mountains, rivers, ghosts and gods, then this is what the people share.
The shooting officer put the pot in progress, and put two and a half arrows in between, and turned his seat, set the middle, facing east, and held the eight counting.
The king set up seven sacrifices for all surnames: Siming, Zhongliu, Guomen, Guoxing, Taili, Hu, and Zao. The king set up seven sacrifices for himself. The princes set up five sacrifices for the country, called Siming, Zhongliu, Guomen, Guoxing, and Gongli. The princes set up five sacrifices for themselves. The officials set up three sacrifices: Zuli, Men, and Xing. The suitable scholars set up two sacrifices: Men and Xing. The common people set up one sacrifice, or set up Hu, or set up Zao.
Only the great sages can be happy and free from worries, and have complete and unbiased rituals. The sky is high and the earth is low, and all things are scattered and different, but the ritual system is in place. The flow never stops, and they are united and transformed, and music flourishes. Spring brings growth and summer grows, which is benevolence; autumn gathers and winter stores, which is righteousness. Benevolence is close to music, and righteousness is close to ritual. Music is harmonious and leads the gods and follows the sky, while ritual is different and appropriate, staying with ghosts and following the earth. Therefore, the sages make music to respond to the sky and make rituals to match the earth. When rituals and music are clear and complete, the heaven and the earth are in order. The sky is high and the earth is low, and the ruler and the minister are determined. The high and the low have been established, and the noble and the humble have been placed. There are regularities in movement and stillness, and the small and the big are different. Things gather together according to their kind, and things are divided into groups, so their nature and life are different. In the sky, it forms images, and on the earth, it forms shapes; in this way, ritual is the difference between heaven and earth. The earth's air rises and the sky's air descends, yin and yang collide with each other, and the heaven and the earth shake, which is stimulated by thunder and lightning, excited by wind and rain, moved by the four seasons, warmed by the sun and the moon, and all kinds of changes flourish. In this way, music is the harmony of heaven and earth. If the transformation is not timely, there will be no life; if there is no distinction between men and women, chaos will arise; it is the emotion of heaven and earth. And the rites and music are the highest in heaven and coiled on earth, running through yin and yang and communicating with ghosts and gods; reaching the highest and the farthest, and measuring the depth. Music is the beginning, and rites are in the creation of things. The one that is restless is heaven, and the one that is still is earth. The one that is moving and the one that is still is the space between heaven and earth. Therefore, the sages say rites and music. In the past, Shun made a five-stringed zither to sing the southern wind, and Kui first made music to reward the princes. Therefore, the emperor makes music to reward the princes with virtue. When virtue is flourishing and teaching is respected, and the five grains are ripe in time, then he will reward them with music. Therefore, those who rule the people to work hard, their dances are long and long; those who rule the people to relax, their dances are short and short. Therefore, by watching their dances, you can know their virtues; by hearing their posthumous titles, you can know their conduct. "Da Zhang" means to make it. "Xian Chi" means to be complete. "Shao" means to continue. "Xia" means to be great. The music of Yin and Zhou dynasties is complete. The way of heaven and earth is that when the cold and heat are out of season, there will be disease; when the wind and rain are not in season, there will be hunger. Education is the cold and heat of the people; if education is out of season, it will hurt the world. Affairs are the wind and rain of the people; if affairs are not in season, there will be no success. So the music of the ancient kings is to govern by law, and if it is good, it will be a symbol of virtue. Raising pigs to make wine is not to cause harm, but when lawsuits become more and more frequent, the flow of wine will cause harm. Therefore, the ancient kings established the wine ceremony. In the ceremony of offering one offering, the host and the guest bow a hundred times, and they drink all day long without getting drunk. This is why the ancient kings prepared for the harm of wine. Therefore, wine and food are for happiness; music is for virtue; ritual is for restraining lust. Therefore, when the ancient kings had a major event, they must have a ritual to mourn; when they had a great blessing, they must have a ritual to enjoy. The distinction between sorrow and joy all ends with ritual. Music is what the sages enjoy, and it can improve the hearts of the people. It deeply touches people and changes customs, so the ancient kings wrote about it. The people have the nature of blood, qi, heart and knowledge, but they do not have the regularity of sorrow, joy, happiness and anger. They respond to things and move, and then their mind and intention are formed. Therefore, when the will is slight, the sound of killing is produced, and the people are worried. When the sound of slow and easy, complicated and simple is produced, the people are healthy and happy. When the sound of rough, fierce, vigorous and broad is produced, the people are firm and resolute. When the sound of honest, upright, vigorous and upright, solemn and sincere is produced, the people are respectful. When the sound of generous, good, smooth and harmonious is produced, the people are kind and loving. When the sound of flowing, dispelling evil and cleaning up is produced, the people are promiscuous. Therefore, the ancient kings based on the nature of emotions, checked the degree, and established the rituals and righteousness. They combined the harmony of vital energy, guided the five constants, made it yang but not scattered, yin but not dense, the strong energy not angry, the soft energy not frightened, the four free and smooth intercourse in the middle and erupted on the outside, all in their positions without competing with each other; then they established the level of learning, expanded the rhythm, reduced the literary talent, and measured the virtue. The scale of the scale is called small and big, which is used to compare the order of the beginning and the end, and to represent the conduct of things. The principles of closeness and distance, nobleness and humbleness, oldness and youngness, and men and women are all reflected in music, so it is said that "joy is deep." If the soil is barren, the grass and trees will not grow; if the water is turbid, the fish and turtles will not grow big; if the air is weak, the creatures will not be able to survive; if the world is in chaos, the rites will be corrupted and the music will be lewd. Therefore, its sound is sad but not solemn, it is joyful but not peaceful, it is easy to violate the rules, and it is easy to indulge and forget its roots. If it is broad, it will tolerate evil, and if it is narrow, it will think of lust, and it will affect the smooth air and destroy the peaceful virtue. Therefore, the gentleman despises it. All evil sounds move people, and the adverse air responds to it; the adverse air forms an image, and lewd music arises. The right sound moves people, and the smooth air responds to it; the smooth air forms an image, and harmonious music arises. Harmony has a response, turning the evil and the crooked to the straight, and each returns to its own place; and the principles of all things are moved by their own kind. Therefore, the gentleman reflects his feelings to harmonize his will and compares his actions to achieve his goals. Evil sounds and disorderly sex do not leave wisdom; lewd music and evil manners do not connect the mind. Laziness, sluggishness, evil and perverse qi are not set in the body, so that the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, heart and body can all be in harmony and practice the righteousness. Then it will be released with sound, and it will be embellished with qin and qin, and it will be decorated with feathers and flags, and it will be followed by flutes and pipes. The light of supreme virtue will be stirred, and the harmony of the four qi will be moved, so as to show the principles of all things. Therefore, the clear and bright is like the sky, the vast is like the earth, the beginning and the end are like the four seasons, and the cycle is like wind and rain. The five colors form a pattern without chaos, the eight winds follow the law without evil, and the hundred degrees get the number and have a regularity. The small and the big complement each other, and the beginning and the end are born from each other. Promote harmony, clear and turbid, and they are alternately the classics. Therefore, music is practiced and the morals are clear, the ears and eyes are smart, the blood and qi are peaceful, the customs are changed, and the world is at peace. Therefore, it is said: music is joy. The gentleman is happy with the way, and the villain is happy with his desire. If you control your desire with the way, you will be happy without chaos; if you forget the way with your desire, you will be confused and not happy. Therefore, a gentleman should reflect his feelings to harmonize his aspirations, and expand music to complete his teachings. When music is practiced and the people are in harmony, virtue can be observed. Virtue is the beginning of nature. Music is the brilliance of virtue. Metal, stone, silk and bamboo are instruments of music. Poetry expresses his aspirations, singing sings his voice, and dancing moves his appearance. The three are based on the heart, and then the music follows. Therefore, deep feelings lead to civilization, and vigorous spirit transforms the spirit. Harmony accumulates within and brilliance radiates outside, and only music cannot be faked.
There are four seasons for sacrifice: spring sacrifice is called "礿", summer sacrifice is called "禘", autumn sacrifice is called "常", and winter sacrifice is called "朕". "礿" and "禘" are yang meanings; "常" and "朕" are yin meanings. "禘" is the prosperity of yang, and "常" is the prosperity of yin. Therefore, it is said that nothing is more important than "禘" and "常". In ancient times, during the sacrifice, the officials gave out titles and clothes, which was in accordance with the righteousness of the Yang. During the harvest, the officials gave out fields and towns, and issued autumn policies, which was in accordance with the righteousness of the Yin. Therefore, it is recorded: "On the day of harvest, the public office was given out to show the reward; the moxa was used as ink; before the autumn policies were issued, the people dared not to harvest." Therefore, it is said that the righteousness of the sacrifice and the harvest is great. It is the foundation of governing a country, and it is important not to be ignorant of it. The ruler is clear about the righteousness, and the minister is capable of his duties. If the ruler is not clear about the righteousness, he is not perfect; if he is not capable of his duties, he is not perfect as a minister. Righteousness is the way to help the will, and it is the manifestation of all virtues. Therefore, those whose virtues are strong have strong wills; those whose wills are strong have clear righteousness. Those whose righteousness is clear have respect in their sacrifices. If the sacrifices are respectful, then all the descendants of the family will dare not be disrespectful. Therefore, when a gentleman sacrifices, he must personally attend; if there is a reason, he can send others. Even if he sends others, the ruler does not lose his righteousness, because the ruler understands his righteousness. Those who are of low virtue and low ambition are doubtful about the righteousness and ask for sacrifices. If they are forced to be respectful, they cannot help it. If you offer sacrifices without respect, how can you be the parents of the people? The tripod has an inscription. The inscription is a self-name. The self-name is used to praise the goodness of the ancestors and to make it clear to future generations. Those who are ancestors have both good and bad things. The meaning of the inscription is to praise the good and not the bad. This is the heart of filial sons and grandsons. Only virtuous people can do this. The inscription is to discuss the virtues and goodness of the ancestors, their merits and achievements, and to celebrate and reward their reputations throughout the world and to use them as sacrificial vessels; to make a name for oneself and to worship the ancestors. To praise the ancestors is to honor filial piety. To compare oneself with them is obedience. To show future generations clearly is teaching. The inscription is to name them once and everyone above and below will benefit from it. Therefore, when a gentleman looks at the inscription, he should not only praise what is said, but also praise what is done. Those who do it, who are clear enough to see it, kind enough to give it, and knowledgeable enough to benefit it, can be called virtuous. Virtuous but not boastful, can be called respectful. Therefore, the inscription on the tripod of Kong Kui of Wei reads: On the 19th day of the sixth month, the Duke was in the Great Temple. The Duke said: "Uncle! This is the ancestor Zhuang Shu, who was on the left and right of Cheng Gong. Cheng Gong ordered Zhuang Shu to follow the refuge in Hanyang, and then to the palace in Zong Zhou, and ran without shooting. He told the right Xiang Gong. Xiang Gong ordered Cheng Shu to inherit the ancestors' clothes. This is the father of Wen Shu, who revived the old wishes of the elders, led the celebration of the people, and personally cared for the state of Wei. He was diligent in the public family, working day and night without rest, and the people all said: "Relax!" The Duke said: "Uncle! Let me engrave for you: If you inherit, you will be respected." Kui bowed his head and said: "I praised it to avoid it, and I was diligent in the great destiny of the Ding." This is the inscription on the tripod of Kong Kui of Wei. The ancient gentlemen discussed the virtues of their ancestors and made them clear to future generations. They compared themselves to themselves and valued their country like this. The descendants who guard the ancestral temples and the altars of the land and state, if their ancestors have no merits and praise them, it is a falsehood; if they have good things but do not know them, it is not clear; if they know them but do not pass them on, it is not benevolent. These three are what gentlemen are ashamed of. In the past, Duke Zhou had made great contributions to the world. After Duke Zhou died, King Cheng and King Kang remembered the merits of Duke Zhou and wanted to honor Lu, so they gave him a heavy sacrifice. The outer sacrifice is the suburban altar; the inner sacrifice is the great sacrifice. The great sacrifice, the song "Qingmiao" is sung in the upper part, and the "Xiang" is played in the lower part; the red stems and jade qi are used to dance "Dawu"; the eight-yi dance is used to dance "Daxia"; this is the music of the emperor. Duke Kang of Zhou, therefore, gave it to Lu. The descendants inherited it and it has not been abolished until now, so as to show the virtue of Duke Zhou and honor his country.
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