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If the autumn order is carried out in the first month of summer, bitter rains will come frequently, the five grains will not grow, and the four borders will go into hiding. If the winter order is carried out, the grass and trees will wither early, and then there will be a flood that will destroy the city walls. If the spring order is carried out, locusts will cause disasters, and violent winds will come, and the beautiful grass will not bear fruit.
When following the teacher, I will not cross the road to talk to others. When I met the teacher on the road, I walked towards him, stood upright and bowed. If the teacher talks to him, he will respond; if the teacher doesn't talk to him, he will retreat.
In this month, the grass and trees turn yellow and fall, so firewood is cut to make charcoal. All hibernating insects lie down inside, and they all seal their doors. Then the emperor rushes to the prison and punishes, and does not leave any guilty. He collects those who are not paid properly and those who are not provided with proper support. In this month, the emperor uses dogs to taste rice and first offers it to the temple. If the summer order is implemented in the late autumn, there will be floods in the country, disasters in winter, and many people will sneeze and sneeze. If the winter order is carried out, there will be many thieves in the country, the border will be restless, and the land will be divided. If the spring order is carried out, warm winds will come, the people will be relaxed, and the army will not stop.
Confucius said: "How sad! I see the way of Zhou, and You and Li hurt it. Why should I leave Lu? Lu's suburban sacrifice is not rite, and Zhou Gong is in decline! Qi's suburban sacrifice is Yu's, and Song's suburban sacrifice is Qi's. This is the emperor's duty. Therefore, the emperor sacrifices to heaven and earth, and the princes sacrifice to the gods and grain." Zhu and Ku dare not change the old customs, which is called Dahuan. The words of the Zhugu are hidden in the ancestral priests and the shamans. This is not rite, and this is called the seclusion of the state. The wine cups and the corpses of the monarch are not rite, and this is called usurping the monarch. The crowns, hats, and weapons are hidden in private homes. This is not rite, and this is called threatening the monarch. The officials are in their official positions, but the sacrificial utensils are not used, and the music is all prepared. This is not rite, and this is called disordering the state. Therefore, those who serve the duke are called ministers, and those who serve the family are called servants. During the three-year mourning period, those who are married to the new bride are not allowed to serve for a period of time. Wearing mourning clothes to enter the court and living with the family servants is not rite, and this is called the monarch and the ministers are in the same country. Therefore, the emperor has land to live with his descendants, the princes have countries to live with their descendants, and the officials have jade to live with their descendants. This is called the system. Therefore, when the emperor visits the princes, he must leave the ancestral court and not enter according to the rites. This is called the emperor breaking the law and disordering the rules. The princes enter the ministers' houses without visiting the illness or condolences. This is called the monarch and the ministers are joking. Therefore, ritual is the great power of the ruler. It is used to distinguish between the obvious and the subtle, to consult ghosts and gods, to examine the system, to distinguish between benevolence and righteousness, so as to govern the country and keep the ruler safe. Therefore, if the government is not right, the ruler's position will be in danger; if the ruler's position is in danger, the ministers will betray him and the minor officials will steal. If the punishment is strict and the customs are corrupt, the law will be inconsistent; if the law is inconsistent, the ritual will be out of order; if the ritual is out of order, the scholars will not serve him. If the punishment is strict and the customs are corrupt, the people will not return to him, which is called a flaw in the country. Therefore, the government is the way for the ruler to hide himself. Therefore, the government must be based on heaven, and the destiny is sent down from heaven. Descending from the gods to the community is called the earth, descending from the ancestral temple is called benevolence and righteousness, descending from the mountains and rivers is called the creation, and descending from the five sacrifices is called the system. This is the solidity of the sage's self-concealment. Therefore, the sage participates in heaven and earth and in ghosts and gods to govern the country. To let people live in what they should be is the order of ritual; to enjoy what they should enjoy is the governance of the people. Therefore, the sky creates the time and the earth creates wealth; the father of a man is born and the teacher teaches him: the four things, the ruler uses them correctly, so the ruler stands in a place where there is no fault. Therefore, the ruler is what he should know, not what he should know people. The ruler is what he should raise, not what he should raise people. The ruler is what he should serve, not what he should serve people. Therefore, if the ruler knows people, he will make mistakes; if he raises people, he will be insufficient; if he serves people, he will lose his position. Therefore, the people should govern themselves, raise the ruler to make themselves safe, and serve the ruler to make themselves famous. Therefore, the rites are well-developed and the divisions are determined. Everyone loves death and worries about life. Therefore, use people's knowledge to get rid of their deceit, use people's courage to get rid of their anger, and use people's kindness to get rid of their greed. Therefore, when the country is in trouble, the ruler's death for the country is called righteousness, and the death of the ministers for the ancestral temple is called change. Therefore, the sage who treats the world as one family and China as one person is not just intentional, but must know the situation, avoid the righteousness, understand the benefits, and understand the dangers, and then he can do it. What is human nature? The seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and desire are acquired without learning. What is human righteousness? The ten emotions of fatherly kindness, filial piety of son, goodness of elder brother, obedience of younger brother, righteousness of husband, obedience of wife, kindness of elder brother, obedience of younger brother, benevolence of ruler, and loyalty of minister are called human righteousness. To be trustworthy and harmonious is called human benefit. To fight and kill is called human trouble. Therefore, the sage governs the seven emotions of man and cultivates the ten righteousness, to be trustworthy and harmonious, to respect courtesy and give way, and to get rid of fighting. How can we govern without propriety? Food, sex, and love are the greatest desires of man; death, poverty, and misery are the greatest evils of man. Therefore, desire and evil are the great ends of the heart. Man hides his heart and cannot be measured; beauty and ugliness are in his heart and cannot be seen. If we want to understand them all, how can we do without propriety? Therefore, man is the virtue of heaven and earth, the interaction of yin and yang, the meeting of ghosts and gods, and the elegance of the five elements. Therefore, the sky holds the sun and hangs the sun and stars; the earth holds the yin and penetrates the mountains and rivers. The five elements are spread in the four seasons, and the moon is born after harmony. Therefore, three and five are full, and three and five are empty. The movement of the five elements is to exhaust each other. The five elements, four seasons, and twelve months are the basis of each other; the five sounds, six rhythms, and twelve pipes are the palaces of each other; the five flavors, six harmonies, and twelve foods are the essence of each other; the five colors, six chapters, and twelve clothes are the essence of each other. Therefore, people are the heart of heaven and earth, the beginning of the five elements, and they are born by eating, taste, sound, and color. Therefore, when a sage sets an example, he must take heaven and earth as the basis, yin and yang as the beginning, the four seasons as the handle, the sun and stars as the record, the moon as the measure, ghosts and gods as the followers, the five elements as the essence, etiquette and righteousness as the tool, human feelings as the field, and the four spirits as the livestock. With heaven and earth as the basis, things can be lifted; with yin and yang as the ends, feelings can be seen; with the four seasons as the handle, stories can be used to persuade; with the sun and stars as the record, stories can be listed; with the moon as the measure, achievements have skills; with ghosts and gods as the followers, stories have rules; with the five elements as the essence, stories can be repeated; with rites and righteousness as the tools, stories have examinations; with human nature as the field, people think it is profound; with the four spirits as livestock, food and drink have rules.
Only the great sages can be happy and free from worries, and have complete and unbiased rituals. The sky is high and the earth is low, and all things are scattered and different, but the ritual system is in place. The flow never stops, and they are united and transformed, and music flourishes. Spring brings growth and summer grows, which is benevolence; autumn gathers and winter stores, which is righteousness. Benevolence is close to music, and righteousness is close to ritual. Music is harmonious and leads the gods and follows the sky, while ritual is different and appropriate, staying with ghosts and following the earth. Therefore, the sages make music to respond to the sky and make rituals to match the earth. When rituals and music are clear and complete, the heaven and the earth are in order. The sky is high and the earth is low, and the ruler and the minister are determined. The high and the low have been established, and the noble and the humble have been placed. There are regularities in movement and stillness, and the small and the big are different. Things gather together according to their kind, and things are divided into groups, so their nature and life are different. In the sky, it forms images, and on the earth, it forms shapes; in this way, ritual is the difference between heaven and earth. The earth's air rises and the sky's air descends, yin and yang collide with each other, and the heaven and the earth shake, which is stimulated by thunder and lightning, excited by wind and rain, moved by the four seasons, warmed by the sun and the moon, and all kinds of changes flourish. In this way, music is the harmony of heaven and earth. If the transformation is not timely, there will be no life; if there is no distinction between men and women, chaos will arise; it is the emotion of heaven and earth. And the rites and music are the highest in heaven and coiled on earth, running through yin and yang and communicating with ghosts and gods; reaching the highest and the farthest, and measuring the depth. Music is the beginning, and rites are in the creation of things. The one that is restless is heaven, and the one that is still is earth. The one that is moving and the one that is still is the space between heaven and earth. Therefore, the sages say rites and music. In the past, Shun made a five-stringed zither to sing the southern wind, and Kui first made music to reward the princes. Therefore, the emperor makes music to reward the princes with virtue. When virtue is flourishing and teaching is respected, and the five grains are ripe in time, then he will reward them with music. Therefore, those who rule the people to work hard, their dances are long and long; those who rule the people to relax, their dances are short and short. Therefore, by watching their dances, you can know their virtues; by hearing their posthumous titles, you can know their conduct. "Da Zhang" means to make it. "Xian Chi" means to be complete. "Shao" means to continue. "Xia" means to be great. The music of Yin and Zhou dynasties is complete. The way of heaven and earth is that when the cold and heat are out of season, there will be disease; when the wind and rain are not in season, there will be hunger. Education is the cold and heat of the people; if education is out of season, it will hurt the world. Affairs are the wind and rain of the people; if affairs are not in season, there will be no success. So the music of the ancient kings is to govern by law, and if it is good, it will be a symbol of virtue. Raising pigs to make wine is not to cause harm, but when lawsuits become more and more frequent, the flow of wine will cause harm. Therefore, the ancient kings established the wine ceremony. In the ceremony of offering one offering, the host and the guest bow a hundred times, and they drink all day long without getting drunk. This is why the ancient kings prepared for the harm of wine. Therefore, wine and food are for happiness; music is for virtue; ritual is for restraining lust. Therefore, when the ancient kings had a major event, they must have a ritual to mourn; when they had a great blessing, they must have a ritual to enjoy. The distinction between sorrow and joy all ends with ritual. Music is what the sages enjoy, and it can improve the hearts of the people. It deeply touches people and changes customs, so the ancient kings wrote about it. The people have the nature of blood, qi, heart and knowledge, but they do not have the regularity of sorrow, joy, happiness and anger. They respond to things and move, and then their mind and intention are formed. Therefore, when the will is slight, the sound of killing is produced, and the people are worried. When the sound of slow and easy, complicated and simple is produced, the people are healthy and happy. When the sound of rough, fierce, vigorous and broad is produced, the people are firm and resolute. When the sound of honest, upright, vigorous and upright, solemn and sincere is produced, the people are respectful. When the sound of generous, good, smooth and harmonious is produced, the people are kind and loving. When the sound of flowing, dispelling evil and cleaning up is produced, the people are promiscuous. Therefore, the ancient kings based on the nature of emotions, checked the degree, and established the rituals and righteousness. They combined the harmony of vital energy, guided the five constants, made it yang but not scattered, yin but not dense, the strong energy not angry, the soft energy not frightened, the four free and smooth intercourse in the middle and erupted on the outside, all in their positions without competing with each other; then they established the level of learning, expanded the rhythm, reduced the literary talent, and measured the virtue. The scale of the scale is called small and big, which is used to compare the order of the beginning and the end, and to represent the conduct of things. The principles of closeness and distance, nobleness and humbleness, oldness and youngness, and men and women are all reflected in music, so it is said that "joy is deep." If the soil is barren, the grass and trees will not grow; if the water is turbid, the fish and turtles will not grow big; if the air is weak, the creatures will not be able to survive; if the world is in chaos, the rites will be corrupted and the music will be lewd. Therefore, its sound is sad but not solemn, it is joyful but not peaceful, it is easy to violate the rules, and it is easy to indulge and forget its roots. If it is broad, it will tolerate evil, and if it is narrow, it will think of lust, and it will affect the smooth air and destroy the peaceful virtue. Therefore, the gentleman despises it. All evil sounds move people, and the adverse air responds to it; the adverse air forms an image, and lewd music arises. The right sound moves people, and the smooth air responds to it; the smooth air forms an image, and harmonious music arises. Harmony has a response, turning the evil and the crooked to the straight, and each returns to its own place; and the principles of all things are moved by their own kind. Therefore, the gentleman reflects his feelings to harmonize his will and compares his actions to achieve his goals. Evil sounds and disorderly sex do not leave wisdom; lewd music and evil manners do not connect the mind. Laziness, sluggishness, evil and perverse qi are not set in the body, so that the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, heart and body can all be in harmony and practice the righteousness. Then it will be released with sound, and it will be embellished with qin and qin, and it will be decorated with feathers and flags, and it will be followed by flutes and pipes. The light of supreme virtue will be stirred, and the harmony of the four qi will be moved, so as to show the principles of all things. Therefore, the clear and bright is like the sky, the vast is like the earth, the beginning and the end are like the four seasons, and the cycle is like wind and rain. The five colors form a pattern without chaos, the eight winds follow the law without evil, and the hundred degrees get the number and have a regularity. The small and the big complement each other, and the beginning and the end are born from each other. Promote harmony, clear and turbid, and they are alternately the classics. Therefore, music is practiced and the morals are clear, the ears and eyes are smart, the blood and qi are peaceful, the customs are changed, and the world is at peace. Therefore, it is said: music is joy. The gentleman is happy with the way, and the villain is happy with his desire. If you control your desire with the way, you will be happy without chaos; if you forget the way with your desire, you will be confused and not happy. Therefore, a gentleman should reflect his feelings to harmonize his aspirations, and expand music to complete his teachings. When music is practiced and the people are in harmony, virtue can be observed. Virtue is the beginning of nature. Music is the brilliance of virtue. Metal, stone, silk and bamboo are instruments of music. Poetry expresses his aspirations, singing sings his voice, and dancing moves his appearance. The three are based on the heart, and then the music follows. Therefore, deep feelings lead to civilization, and vigorous spirit transforms the spirit. Harmony accumulates within and brilliance radiates outside, and only music cannot be faked.
Wang Youjun had always looked down on Lantian, but Lantian's praise for him increased in his later years, which made Youjun particularly dissatisfied. Lantian was in danger in Kuaiji, so he stopped at Shanyin to hold funerals. Youjun was in charge of the county and repeatedly expressed his condolences, but to no avail. Later he went to the gate and let in. The host was crying, so he did not go forward but left, humiliating him. As a result, a great rift between them arose. Later, Lantian was approaching Yangzhou. The Right Army was still in the county. When he first got the news, he sent a military officer to the court to request that Kuaiji be divided into Yuezhou. However, the messenger disobeyed the imperial order and was laughed at by the wise men of the time. Lantian secretly ordered his men to count all the illegal activities in the county, and since there was already a rift between them, he ordered them to deal with it themselves. Youjun then claimed illness and left the county, and died in indignation.
When Jianwen entered Hualin Garden, he looked around and said to those around him, "The place where you can feel your heart does not have to be far away. The shady trees and waters remind me of Hao and Pu. I feel that the birds, beasts, and fish have come to me as my friends."
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